Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Quickly Can You Get Pregnant Off Pill Book Review Guide

Quickly Can You Get Pregnant Off Pill Book Review Guide

Thoughts on breastfeeding
It makes sense, already make in pregnancy worrying about the child's diet. Each midwife can already perform in pregnancy a lactation counseling, which is especially useful if you are expecting your first child. You should be informed about the right application and nursing techniques. This helps to avoid a lot of teething problems. In childbirth and lactation over the entire course support you continue your midwife. The costs will be covered by health insurance.
Your breasts have in pregnancy can not be prepared for breastfeeding, your body makes by itself.
A "hardening" of the nipples is also not necessary and has no influence on the occurrence of sore nipples during breastfeeding.
The size of your breasts and the shape of your nipple play no role in breastfeeding. Too flat or inverted nipples are not breastfeeding obstacle, as the child sucks on the areola of the breast, and not on the nipples. However, at the beginning of your breastfeeding relationship, a little practice may be necessary. Your midwife will show you how you put on your child properly. Your child will remember relatively quickly as it comes to your best milk. Child and maternal breast always fit together and are a perfect team.
Benefits of Breastfeeding
Quickly Can You Get Pregnant Off Pill Book Review Guide. The most natural, easiest, healthiest and best food for newborns is breast-feeding. But breastfeeding is not only food for your child, it is also food for the soul. Your already begun in pregnancy relationship continues and is supported in a unique way. Together, you get to know you and makes a perfectly good team. Nursing mothers can enjoy the most intimate proximity and very special relationship with breastfeeding. But the partners often fascinated to see the perfect unity of mother and child, and many refer to these moments as sacred.
Breastfeeding are the mother and the child to rest and relax. Nursing mothers build quickly to a relationship with their child and learn more quickly to respond to the baby's needs.

But there are many other benefits of breastfeeding .
  • The mother's breast is always in the right quantity and temperature, a perfectly tailored to the needs of the child milk available, always hygienic.
  • The child receives the information contained in breast milk protective substances (uaAntikörper) a passive immunity that protects especially in the first months of the child from many diseases. Breastfed infants have lower rates of infectious diseases than non-breastfed children. If they fall ill, the disease course is shorter and milder.
  • Breast milk is easily digestible and is tolerated at best.
  • Long and exclusive breastfeeding can prevent or delay the outbreak of allergies.
  • Studies have certified nursing infants have a higher IQ.
  • At least 6 months exclusively breastfed infants have less than adults and children are overweight.
  • Breastfed infants have lower rates of caries
  • Breastfed children rarely die on SIDS
  • By breastfeeding you save time, money and protects the environment. Replacement feeding is very expensive to produce and time consuming. The Flaschensäubern and boiling water and takes a long time to complete and is disproportionate to the time needed for breastfeeding.
  • You're independent, you can always (almost) silent everywhere.
  • Breastfeeding promotes recovery processes after birth and lose less blood
  • Breastfeeding promotes weight loss of the mother after birth
  • A protective effect of breastfeeding on the development of breast cancer is clearly demonstrated. Particularly the importance of breastfeeding and not the number of breastfed children. The longer a woman has breastfed in her life, the lower the risk of developing breast cancer. Equally ill women who have breastfed rare ovarian cancer and osteoporosis.
  • The breast is the best sedative and Einschlafmittel for your child. Quickly Can You Get Pregnant Off Pill Book Review Guide