Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Pregnancy Miracletm - Cure Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally

Pregnancy Miracletm - Cure Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally.
When I can feel the very first signs of pregnancy?

Can I be pregnant after bleeding?
Although some women believe the beginning of a pregnancyto feel right after sex: Medically, this is impossible. After fertilization, it takes about a week before the egg embeds itself in the uterine wall. Only then, the body produces the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which indicates: "I'm pregnant". At this point, slowly begin the tangible and visible signs of pregnancy.
What are the early signs of pregnancy?
Pregnancy Miracletm - Cure Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally. One of the first pregnancy symptoms mainly include nausea , fatigue, increased discharge and a tightening in the breasts. However, these signs alone is not very meaningful. More specifically, the absence of menstruation. However, their absence may have other reasons, for example, acute illness, stress or severe weight loss. Also when traveling watching some women a missed period, even though they are not pregnant.

A little bleeding at the regular time can also occur when the woman is pregnant. However, it is usually not very pronounced.
What are the earliest to take a pregnancy test?
A commercial pregnancy test should be administered no earlier than the first day of the expected period. It measures the pregnancy hormone HCG in the urine. In the morning, the concentration of the hormone is at its highest. Therefore, women of the test to make this time of day.
How reliable are the-counter pregnancy tests?
If the test shows "pregnant" on, this is a very reliable test. The test provides an early stage, however, the message "not pregnant", this is not a hundred percent reliable result. The woman may still be pregnant, only the concentration of the pregnancy hormone in your urine is not high enough for the test.
Scientists at the University often New Mexico have studied 2011 six different pregnancy tests. The tests realized on the first day of a missed period from 54 to 97 percent of pregnancies. A similarly large range resulted in a British study from 2008. Who expects to say with a pregnancy should repeat the test a few days later, when the potential hormone concentration has increased in the urine.
When the doctor can detect the pregnancy at the earliest?
A blood test at the doctor 's the fastest way to check for ovulation. About six to nine days after fertilization, the doctor can apply it to. Because first, the pregnancy hormone hCG found in the blood of pregnant women. Only about a week later it also occurs in the urine, where a standard pregnancy test can detect it.
When can the doctor to confirm the pregnancy by ultrasound?
One week after cessation of menstruation, the doctor can see on the ultrasound image of the gestational sac. Ultrasound examinations are considered to be hazardous. Pregnancy Miracletm - Cure Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally