Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Pregnancy Miracle Infertility Cure Book Best

Pregnancy Miracle Infertility Cure Book Best. Determine the fertile days,

on the trail to the ovulation

Hormone computer and Co: apparatus and instruments for determining the fertile days of the manufacturers bring rich revenues. But they are good actually more, than the cost of family planning methods
An overview. Berit Uhlmann
Should couples rely solely on their sense, consult the calendar to measure the temperature, or invest in a hormone computer?The advantages and disadvantages of the methods of family planning:

Calendar Method

Pregnancy Miracle Infertility Cure Book Best. The ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, with regular cycle would be the 14th Days after the onset of the last period. To determine the center can, women should at least six months watching her cycle in order to determine the average length. But even after this preparation, this method is not very reliable. Because of the cycle can vary from month to month, disease, stress, or travel can affect it also.

Body signals suggest

Some women feel during ovulation pain in the abdomen, the breasts may be sensitive, easy bleeding may occur. For many women, the desire for sex at this time larger than normal
Moreover betrayed women their fertile phase by a number of other, lesser-known signs: Scientists have found that they are more likely in the period of ovulation wear skirts or other particularly attractive clothing, odor acts appealing to men, they feel particularly masculine attracted men and have less contact with their fathers. Even men in close partnerships respond unconsciously to the cycle of their partners: they are more prone during the fertile phase of jealousy and rivalry with other men.
Nevertheless, the sharpening of the senses to determine ovulation not sure. The hit rate of women who should decide on the day of her ovulation due Beoabachtung own lies, studies show that only about 28 percent.

Temperature Method

Somewhat better, the receptivity are determined by measurements of body temperature. Shortly after ovulation, the temperature rises by about 0.3 to 0.5 degrees Celsius. To see the difference, women must regularly before getting up in the same part of the body to measure its temperature and record. ( is a calendar for it here ). Studies have shown that women may determine the fertile days with a hit rate of 57 percent to 70 percent. That the method is not very accurate, mainly because that disease, alcohol consumption, medications or changes in sleep habits can affect the body temperature.

Hormone computer

Pregnancy Miracle Infertility Cure Book Best, These devices control the beginning of fertility based on hormone measurements in urine. The test strips are similar to handle pregnancy test, that is, they are held in the morning urine. The mini computer then reads out the concentration of the so-called luteinizing hormone. It is just before ovulation highest. Various studies attest to the accuracy of devices 90 to 100 percent.However, certain drugs such as antibiotics or some psychiatric diseases and distort the test results. One drawback is the price of the equipment. At least 100 euros, consumers must pay for regular expenses are added to the test strip.
Is determined regardless of which method of ovulation. When couples at the optimum time to have sex, there is no guarantee that the woman will get pregnant tips on how to increase the chances of getting pregnant, you will find here.
(Sources: National Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Society for Reproductive Medicine)