Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012
Pregnancy Miracle Infertility Cure Book | Ebook
Pregnancy Miracle Infertility Cure Book | Ebook. Symptoms of pregnancy - what is it?
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Knowing the symptoms of pregnancy , a pregnant woman will be able to determine the earliest time in their pregnancy and, therefore, time to decide for themselves the question of its prolongation (conservation, continuation).
Missed period as a major symptom of pregnancy in the early stages .
Pregnancy Miracle Infertility Cure Book | Ebook . All women are different, and pregnancy all proceeds differently. Therefore, the symptoms of pregnancy , the woman perceived in the early stages, will be different.
The first symptom of pregnancy - is a missed period. In the normal course of pregnancy this symptom must be present.Although there are times when during pregnancy a woman bleeding occur. But do not confuse them with regular menstruation. Bleeding during pregnancy indicates a threat of termination. Therefore, if you have a given symptom (bleeding), to maintain pregnancy should seek emergency antenatal care to a gynecologist or an ambulance. With timely treatment has a good chance to continue the pregnancy.
The most dangerous period is the weeks would have to begin monthly at the woman, if it had not become pregnant. Ie 4,8,12 ... weeks of pregnancy. If you notice at the symptoms of pregnancy and delivery confirmed their expectations related analysis and examination by a doctor, be especially careful in these weeks. Try to completely eliminate physical activity and not be nervous.
Symptom of the lack of menstruation is in effect throughout the pregnancy and, more often, continued during breast-feeding.
Increased basal body temperature - a symptom of the onset of pregnancy .
Pregnancy Miracle Infertility Cure Book | Ebook. This pregnancy symptom can be considered mandatory. If pregnancy occurs the basal temperature (measured in the rectum) has index 37 and higher degrees. If you measure the daily basal temperature, find yourself a few symptoms of pregnancy or pregnancy confirmed by a doctor, but there is a decrease in basal body temperature - you should consult a gynecologist. This can happen because of the real threat of miscarriage. Although, most of basal temperature reduction can be attributed to measurement error. May have been violated rules thermometer or temperature measurement is defective. If we consider the basal temperature symptom of early pregnancy , you need to follow some simple rules of measurement. To measure the temperature in the rectum, in the morning, immediately after waking up. Then most likely you will get the correct result.
Copious - one of the symptoms of pregnancy .
Want to make a reservation that it is not about spotting. Women, we closely monitor their health, surely know that vaginal discharge, almost colorless and odorless, often do not show pathology. Increases the amount of bleeding during ovulation and ... pregnant. Therefore, if you have such symptoms of pregnancy like missed period and increased basal temperature, but still a plus to this you can not do without daily pads due to heavy discharge, 90% of what you are pregnant. Not all women are paying attention to this symptom of pregnancy . After all, before menstruation occurs in about the same.
But if you have not cured the infection of genital tract, or in addition to heavy discharge, you suffer itching in the vagina - there is every reason to believe that this is not common symptom of pregnancy in the early stages, and a progressive disease of the sexual sphere. This often happens during pregnancy. Women immunity goes down, and her body is becoming more accessible to infection. These symptoms are not just unpleasant for women, but also may result in the loss of pregnancy, the emergence of pathological development of her child and infections. Sometimes it happens that the infections are invisible to women. That is why it is so important, seeing at these pregnancy symptoms , time to see a gynecologist. Delivery of conventional gynecologic smears can confirm or deny your fears. By the way, the treatment of many infections, sexually transmitted infections, and performed during pregnancy.
Headache and fatigue - not always visible symptoms of pregnancy .
Many pregnant women in early pregnancy are experiencing similar symptoms of pregnancy . This is due to hormonal changes in the body. Often these symptoms go unnoticed in the early stages of pregnancy . Today, many women suffer from migraine attacks. And if we add to this nervous, physically exhausting work, the symptoms of pregnancy are completely unobtrusive.
Although, in the good, to pay attention to these signals of the body, always and especially during pregnancy. Physical and psychological attrition body can most adversely affect the pregnancy. Any pain symptoms during pregnancy should not go unnoticed. Headaches should not self-medicate. Remember, many familiar and accessible to us anesthetics are contraindicated during pregnancy, especially in its early stages.
Toxicosis as a symptom of pregnancy .
Pregnancy Miracle Infertility Cure Book | Ebook. Some women claim that from the earliest stages of pregnancy, before the missed period, aware of the pregnancy. Is that possible? Rare plants such sensitive women. This symptom of pregnancy for many women only associated with morning sickness. But this is not all its manifestations. Changing tastes can also be called a symptom of pregnancy , toxemia. If you have always loved to fish, and now just can not stand the smell - that is, when joining a significant pregnancy symptoms may indicate that you are pregnant. Even unusual fatigue that occurs you do not have at the end of the day, for no apparent reason, can be a symptom of early pregnancy .
Fight the toxicity is not always easy. In milder forms it is possible to use the facilities offered by traditional medicine. In severe cases of toxicity, when this symptom of pregnancy is expressed in very frequent vomiting, treatment should be performed in a hospital, under the supervision of doctors. This could become dehydrated and even vitamin deficiencies.
To the delight of women, morning sickness, most often resolves on its own by 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.
Constipation and frequent urination - often occurring symptoms of pregnancy .
Constipation can occur at all stages of pregnancy. Should be considered misleading statements by some experienced women that constipation as a symptom of pregnancy is only found in pregnant women in the third trimester. As we said above, during pregnancy is hormonal changes the body. The growing uterus starts to compress the bowel and bladder. In addition, the digestive system becomes unstable. Particularly for women, eating "dry rations".
Constipation as a symptom of pregnancy should not be ignored. The first step is to slightly change your lifestyle and diet. Even a simple morning exercise may improve intestinal function. As you know, the movement - this is life. Under the right diet, we mean eating more foods rich in fiber. And the best sources of fiber are fruits and vegetables. Perfectly help for constipation prunes, dried apricots, raisins, kiwi. You can just eat fruits, but a plus to drink their liquor. In addition, to avoid this symptom of pregnancy may be increasing the amount of fluid you drink you have to at least 1.5-2 liters per day, depending on your physical activity.
Remember that most laxatives are contraindicated in pregnancy. Enemas and glycerin suppositories may also have a negative effect on pregnancy, lead to uterine tone.
Carry out treatment prescribed by your doctor, and then no symptoms of pregnancy you will be terrible.